
Teaching Your Child To Walk - Tips For New Parents

Teaching a child to walk will be pretty easy when the child is ready to learn. If the child flatly refuses to try walking, your efforts will be in vain. If it seems that your child is never going to walk take comfort in the simple fact that each child is different and will learn at their own pace. There are children that are very healthy and capable but didn't start walking until they were 16 months old.
Children have short attention spans and will learn best when the lesson is fun. That is one of the reasons it is important to talk to your child and play with them. The parent is the very first and most important teacher a child will have.
You shouldn't need to teach your baby to roll over or crawl, they will do it because they ready to. The same is true about teaching a child to walk. In their early years you are also a child's playmate and many of the things they do are laughed about and not taken seriously. When you are teaching a child to walk he will think of it as a game and may fall down more than he should. Children usually learn to walk with hand holding, support and encouragement not by telling them how to do it.
When your child is ready the first thing to do is put them down. Stop carrying them around and let them come with you by holding your hands and walking with them. This will slow you down and you won't be able to do it all the time, but do it often especially when the child wants you to put him down. If you are trying to teach your child to walk, insist that he walk, with your assistance, at every opportunity.
Walking is a very important accomplishment for a young child. It gives them more opportunity to explore and they will. Be sure that you protect your child while he is learning to walk. You should expect your child to fall so be sure to remove any objects that could hurt them. Also you should consider child proofing your home. Cover electrical outlets, block any stairs and make sure there are no dangerous liquids or objects below your waist level to offer the best protection for your child.
It will also be easier to teach your child to walk if you do it without shoes. It is a good idea to leave their shoes off unless you are going outside. Shoes can sometimes be a trip hazard and going barefoot may give them more confidence.
Children usually start walking by the time they are about a year old. It is important to
Children usually start walking by the time they are about a year old. It is important to remember that every child is different and yours is too. They will learn at their own pace but if you think there is a problem talk to your pediatrician. Never leave a baby or child unattended.
Belinda Nelson is a free lance copywriter who enjoys writing on a variety of subjects. Each article is carefully researched and put together to provide valuable information. Find out more and leave your own suggestions about raising confident children and helping your baby reach his potential by visiting: Be sure to sign up for your free gift!