Whining children tends to be the bane of parenthood. Every parent wants to have a well behaved child who obeys and doesn't embarrass them by whining. Nearly everyone in the world has been in a grocery store or restaurant and had their shopping trip or dinner ruined by someone's whining child. By following these parenting help tips, you can teach your child that whining is absolutely unacceptable, either in or away from your home.
Good Parenting 101
You must learn the good parenting skills necessary to nip your child's whining in the bud. This is especially true for first time and young parents. It may seem easier to give into your child's demands however; if you do that, parenting help experts state that you will be raising a spoiled brat. Nobody wants to raise kids that are brats or whiners.
Don't Give In To Your Child
Parenting help advisors warn that you should absolutely never give in to your child when he or she is whining for something. This only teaches the child that he can have whatever he wants so long as he whines loud and long enough for it. Giving in is the opposite of good parenting skills. Young parents tend to give in easier because they are relatively new to raising children.
Warnings Can Work Wonders
When your child begins to whine for something, you must first tell him to stop that behavior. Parenting help experts suggest that if the child continues to whine, you must give him a warning. You should explain that whining is not good behavior and if the whining does not stop, there will be consequences for his behavior.
Many parenting help experts suggest that Time Outs are good parenting tools. Most children don't want to be put in a time out so they will stop the behavior. Other parenting help advisors believe that children seven years of age and older do better with losing a toy or playtime for whining. It's best to take the time to tell the child what will happen if the whining doesn't immediately stop.
Dishing Out the Punishment
Even with the best parenting help and good parenting skills, your child might not stop whining at the threat of consequences. This is a fact of life and it would be a rare occurrence for your child to immediately eliminate the whining. You will at some point need to enforce the rules by dishing out the punishment.
Once the child does not heed your warning, you must be ready and willing to act immediately. If you have decided that Time Out is the punishment for your child, parenting help experts advise that you put him in the Time Out area at once. He should stay there for one minute for every year of age. A three year old should be in Time Out for no longer than three minutes.
If the punishment is for the child to lose a privilege or toy, this must also be taken away swiftly. Once the toy is taken, good parenting advisors believe that the item must be put away where the child cannot access it.
Rewarding Proper Behavior
Parenting help advisors believe that once the child has learned to control his whining, the child may get small rewards for appropriate behavior. For example, if your child used to whine throughout the grocery store and he makes a trip without any whining, a small treat would reinforce the proper behavior. This will let the child know that behaving appropriately is the right thing to do.
Noah Brown is a freelance writer who writes extensively about motivational videos which offer parenting advice on raising children. She has written several enlightening articles on inspirational quotes and videos which offer good parenting help on how to strengthen child parent relationship.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Noah_B_Brown