
Déférence betwin gifted and bright childs.

The following table is from Challenge Magazine. PEP has found it a very useful tool when discussing the definition of gifted.
 Bright Child Gifted Learner
Knows the answers.Asks the questions.
Is interested.Is highly curious.
Is attentive.Is mentally and physically involved.
Has good ideas.Has wild, silly ideas.
Works hard.Plays around, yet tests well.
Answers the questions.Discusses in detail, elaborates.
Top group.Beyond the group.
Listens with interest.Shows strong feelings and opinions.
Learns with ease.Already knows.
6-8 repetitions for mastery.1-2 repetitions for mastery.
Understands ideas.Constructs abstractions.
Enjoys peers.Prefers adults.
Grasps the meaning.Draws inferences.
Completes assignments.Initiates projects.
Is receptive.Is intense.
Copies accurately.Creates new design.
Enjoys school.Enjoys learning.
Absorbs information.Manipulates information.
Good memorizer.Good guesser.
Enjoys straightfoward, sequential presentation.Thrives on complexity.
Is alert.Is keenly observant.
Is pleased with own learning.Is highly self-critical.