
5 Tips - How Build Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem In Children?

Children sometimes have hardship construction and maintaining positive levels of self-esteem, first of all when they arrive at their pre-teen and adolescent years. Peer pressure, the challenges of growing up, school  activities and the need to check new skills can all come in the way of a healthful self-esteem level. If you consider that your child's self-satisfaction could  advance, here are 5 tips you can use that could assist.

1-Positive role modeling 

children find out and remark, parents and other adults around them from the day they are born, and although many parents fail to apprehend the impact of their actions and behaviors around kids, each and every experience and fundamental interaction a child witnesses or engages in helps to advance self esteem. To what degree these experiences are positive for a child determines the  boom on healthy self esteem making. A child must find lovable and  Capable to develop high self esteem, and witnessing and experiencing the behaviors of the adults  nighest to him or her will significantly adopt that.

2-Allow your child to create some decisions.

Children discover themselves in situations where adults are continually telling them what to do, where to go, when they have to  do something, and more. Giving children choices, even if they are little, helps them pick up to be self-reliant. next all, you do not want your child to be an adult and hunch as if they need to rely on others for direction. Giving your child simple option such as clothing (you offer a couple of appropriate outfits and allow them to choose the one they like) or choosing their lunch item can help your child to suppose independently.

3-assist enhance your child's self confidence by giving him or her age right tasks at home. 

For example, your six year old child  is too young to fix dinner, but she can help you bake some cookies. Let her put the nearness in and stir the dough. She can even support put the dough onto the cookie sheet.  Encourage her each step of the way and praise her a lot. Don't criticize her if she makes a bit of a confusion  (just accept that she will!). And observe how excited she is when the cookies are done!  She will hunch great because she helped bake them.

4-· bypass punishments and accept that mistakes come

ruthless punishments have to be avoided, as well as reproaching and other verbally abusive behavior. Instead, parents should try to calmly communicate the good part  and the passive side of the things done, in a consequential style. moreover, parents have to gratify  that mistakes happen and that it is normal for their child to make them because this is the only way that he will better comprehend how the world works.

5-Listen to your children

By listening you show your children that what they have to say matters and is great.   You may have to listen to a lot of "noise" before they actually  start talking, but it will be worth it.  Eventually they will learn its ok to express their emotions, frustrations and fears to you.  Listen to them, rather than jumpy to provide solutions.  Support them, empathize, but also don't be afraid to correct them when they're incorrect.

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Three tips to Help Your child Focus

You gotta affection a five-year-old: all the energy, excitement and wonder at the world around them, all the creativity, the bottomless enthusiasm but sometimes even five-year-olds get a little too flighty, and if your teen has taken flightiness with them as they matured, then you may be starting achieve worried. You may even be considering a health check diagnosis to help deal with the brainwash. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help your child  concentrate before you turn to drug. Here are 3 essential steps that you can take to help your kid calm down enough to get things done:

1-Daily Exercise

Just getting an hour or so of exercise each day can  accommodate  children of all ages contain their energy more effectively and focus on other tasks. When children do not stay  effective, that pent-up energy can be a serious source of diversion .

2-Enough Sleep

You would think a sleepy kid would be   cool kid, but if you have ever had a sleepy kid on your hands before, then you know that is faraway from the case. Children - even teens, regardless of what they are telling you - need 8½ to teen hours of sleep a  nighttime . Not getting that much-needed rest can seriously impede your aptitude to accomplish things or abide  on task.

3-Omega 3 Fatty Acids

studies  accord  that omega 3 deficiencies in reality contribute to ADHD behavior, and children with diagnosed ADHD whose omega 3 deficiencies have been resolved often experience higher levels of focus and are able to function without medicament. You should bear in mind, though, that a deficiency can take time to edit. You should not expect a  switch overnight.

By taking these steps before you change  to other measures, you can  probable get your child's focus issue under control without having to resort to cure .

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The 5 Great Christmas Gifts For Your Kids.

Buying your baby some admirable Christmas gifts can be difficult. There are a lot of new playthings and games that come out and you may not know which ones your kids will like. So, what I'm going to do is share with you a  catalog of Christmas bonus for kids.
Make Your Kid feeling Special With Unique Gifts:

1-Get your childs individualized pjs, tee shirts, mugs or key rings this year. You can attach to basics like names and photos print on the gifts - or you can take it a notch ahead by using online equipment to convert your kid's pictures to their favorite cartoon style and  print off that!

2-Nerf N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25 Blaster
 This is a admirable gift for kids. There are a lot of kids who want the Nerf N-Strike for Christmas. If you have ever activity with a Nerf toy before, you comprehend just how fun it can be.

3- Vtech V. Reader Animated E-Book System 
The E-Reader has become highly well-known with adults in the past few years, and now it has made its way to chils. Kids will Teach core reading skills while playing interactional reading games. They can even download bonus certificates for the stories they complete.

4. Nintendo Wii
 This interactional game system will be at the top of most letters to Santa Clause this year. Spend Christmas  morning time playing tennis, bowling, and golf in front of the fire in the living room. Many games that are played on this game method require children to be alive while performing.

Books are all the time a great idea for Christmas presents as acquiring kids interested in reading is very considerable. Some of the bestselling box sets that make best Christmas gifts for 2013 for kids include the "Curious George Story Book Collection" as well as the cherished McGuffey's Eclectic Readers/Boxed.

Why Reading to Your Child Is So Important!

Reading to children daily is one of the best ways to set them up for success in reading and indeed life. It is in fact the first step in teaching children how to read.
One of the world's leading reading experts, Marie Clay, said that children need to have had at least 1,000 books read to them before beginning school and starting to learn how to read by themselves.
Reading to young children helps develop pre-literacy skills which lay the groundwork for reading and writing ability later in life. Children learn that words and storytelling are important and they start to make connections between the words on the page and the words they are hearing read or spoken. Often young children begin to imitate reading by "rereading" the story that they have heard their parents reading in their books, turning page by page mimicking the story they have heard by looking at the pictures.
Reading gives children a broader vocabulary and an expanded understanding of all the ways language is used to communicate and convey ideas. Research shows that children who are read to from an early age have a richer vocabulary and know more words than children who are not often read to. Having a large bank of words greatly assists children's early reading skills and has the additional benefit of making them appear more intelligent.
A child's natural inquisitiveness can be activated when being read to by a parent. In reading both fiction and nonfiction books, children's minds and imaginations are opened up to exciting adventures and new worlds of information, encouraging them to ask questions and learn more. Through regularly listening to stories, children learn to focus, pay attention and process information. Once they begin to read themselves, there are still great benefits to be gained from continuing to read out loud to children, discussing the story or information and developing new vocabulary.
Children who have listened to stories regularly are better prepared to begin school and are ready to read, write and learn. Not only does reading to children help them do well in the early grades, but it also sets the stage for ongoing success in school and life. Every subject area in school requires extensive reading and comprehension skills. Literacy skills are essential to lifelong academic success.
Just 10 - 20 minutes a day reading to your child can have a huge impact on their learning and provide profound benefits that will last a lifetime.

How to Choose the Best Nanny For Your Child

Choosing an exceptional nanny for your child is a very important decision. Many working parents today go through nanny agencies to simplify the whole process. It is wise to weigh out variables carefully when interviewing a potential caregiver through a nanny agency. It is essential to learn about what to look for and what questions to ask. If you are selective and cautious as a parent, you and your child will surely have a very positive outcome!
There are many nanny agencies in local communities that have been reviewed by the Better Business Bureau. Ask other local parents about experiences they have had with area nanny agencies. Presently, there are numerous well respected agencies throughout the nation. Many agencies have strict guidelines for their nannies. In some cases, caregivers may need to have a criminal background check, a minimum 2 years experience with children, and exceptional references. Ask the agencies about what specific guidelines are followed in selecting caregivers.
Many agencies will allow you to have a working interview, where you can observe the potential nanny interacting with your child in your home. Watch the caregiver's direct interactions with your child closely. See how your child responds to the nanny. Does the nanny show a genuine interest? Do they get down to your child's level? Ask open ended questions pertaining to prior experiences working in homes or daycare centers with children. Also, be sure to find out about how the nanny would structure a typical day. Ask question about views in regards to discipline. What does the nanny know about child development? Find out what types of programs and crafts would be planned on a day spent with your child. Ask the nanny to give you a specific example of a schedule for your child including time for play, crafts, rest and meals. An experienced nanny should have no problem thinking up a hypothetical daily routine.
If you are comfortable, suggest for the agency to give you additional references to call for your top nanny choices. Find out how long the nanny may have been at previous child care jobs. Learn about the types of relationships the nanny developed with former children in her care. Learn about the caregiver's character and value system. Be thorough and careful while finding the right nanny for your child. Your efforts in proceeding with patience and caution will surely lead you to the right nanny.

3 Tips for Becoming a Motivated Parent

Runners don't take shortcuts. They take the long way. The long way requires resilience, motivation and a strong mind. Any runner will tell you that the sport is not a test of who has the strongest muscles, but rather, it is a test of who has the strongest minds. But even the best runners can become unmotivated. They wake up tired or overwhelmed and contemplate skipping a day of training or tossing their running shoes to the side for the comfort of their beds. Like running, parenting is about taking the long way and putting in the time- the practice and the training - to feel a sense of accomplishment. And there are days when motivation is low. You wake up and want to take the day off, remove the moniker of mom or dad and deshroud yourself of all parental responsibilities. How do parents sustain motivation and remain psychologically fit in order to travel the long road ahead?
Growing a strong mind requires building a psychological muscle with three main nutrients that serve as the PowerAde of psychological functioning: Competence (sense of effectiveness, confidence), Autonomy (amount of choice and volition) and Relatedness (feeling cared for and caring for others). These three enhancers will increase persistence, cultivate interest and enjoyment, lead to high quality personal relationships, better physical health and greater emotion regulation. Competence, Autonomy and Relatedness not only give a boost to your Parent Well-Being, but they also enable you to sustain motivation during the challenging times. Here's how to start building your fuel belt:
Competence: In coaching sessions with parents we discuss a wide range of wishes, hopes and desires from managing discrete behavior problems like temper tantrums to personal goals like better physical health. No matter what the goal, the key is to get specific with action steps and a game plan.
1. Keep goals SIMple (specific, important, measurable). Once goals materialize, make them visible through different priming techniques like pictures, quotes, artwork or artifacts in your home that remind you of the goal you have established.
2. Now look for tangible evidence of you accomplishing your goals. Doing so leads to increased confidence and competence. Celebrate it by writing it down, telling a friend, or including it in a status update.
3. Remember that increased competence is a set of skills that are acquired over time through your effort and experience. You have to practice, train and experience failure to become more competent.
Autonomy: How much of how you behave as a parent is a matter of choice or volition? How much conscious thought and mindfulness do you integrate into your parenting? You may have a case of opposititis- parenting the opposite of however you were raised because you deemed it ineffective. You may have a case of the icebergs - acting and behaving on deep core beliefs that were ingrained in you as a child -this is the way I was raised, so that is how I am raising my kids. Ask yourself what you stand for as a parent. You have a choice in the matter. Building autonomy begins with choosing what is most important to you-your values and heart's deepest desires- and then voluntarily acting in accordance with those values. Take out a journal and think about the following questions:
1. How do I want to behave on an ongoing basis?
2. Who do I want to be as a parent?
3. What values are most important for me to bring into my family?
4. 25 years from now, what do I want my children to say about me?
Relatedness: Some time ago I was working with a client who had a strained relationship with her mother. Without a good role model, my client felt as if she didn't know how to be a good mother. After discovering her vision for motherhood and clarifying her values, we began to create a clear picture of the mother that she wanted to be. Week after week she set goals for designing her life around that positive core, with the hope of building intrinsic motivation and increasing confidence in her parenting. One of the last homework assignments that I gave her was to schedule a play date with another parent she admired. My hope was that she would have more and more vicarious experiences that allowed her to learn from other effective mothers and form the social support she needed to protect her vision for mothering. To increase relatedness, connect with other people through parenting groups, community organizations, play dates, morning walks, online forums, or school functions. You will be building your parenting tribe, taking care of others and also taking care of you. Remember that for parents, the race does not have a finish line. Along the way, our mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends give us nods of encouragement and acknowledgement that evokes a sense of knowing and a feeling of kinship. We've all taken the long way with no shortcuts.
The next time you feel your motivation for parenting waning, check your psychological muscle for competence, autonomy and relatedness. You just might need to add an enhancer to your fuel belt that day.
Elizabeth Elizardi is the mother of two strong-willed girls, ages eight and five and wife of eleven years to a native (yes, born and raised) New Orleanian. She is a parent coach and founder of Strengths Hub, an online community that promotes Parent Well-Being ( ). Building on her experience as a national speaker, online contributor to Psychology Today and writer for Positive Psychology News Daily and Parent, Elizabeth hopes to build a flourishing network of parents internationally who examine and prioritize Well-Being while raising children. She coaches parents and educators on mindfulness, building positive emotions, activating strengths, finding purpose and accomplishing meaningful goals. Elizabeth studied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. When she is not on her Strengths Soapbox she enjoys running and pretending that she is on Broadway (thank you Wii).

10 Tips to Be the Best Mother in the World

Effective parenting and a warm home is possible only with help of a mother. Living in an advanced and developing scenario, mothers have become helpless. I'm sure every mom takes their best effort and make a good parent. Here are ten tips that would help to shape up and get back to a fine stream of parenting, becoming a good mother.

1. Love based relationship

A family is made up of love bond. It acts as a bridge among family members, and mother holds a primary responsibility in showing love. This help the child become strong in mind and creates hope to get along. It helps to guide and shape in accordance to good practices.

2. Be a good Teacher

Learning through mother at home becomes a base for a child and it helps as a refer to point in their life to face challenges and become successful. Every child is unique, and a teacher has to balance the approach of teaching, ensuring that the child learns and understands. Do not be a rude teacher; it may affect the learning phase.

3. Listen to your child - It helps

Children expect their mother or father to listen to them when they talk. As mothers spend more time watching the child, listening to them attentively and acknowledging helps stay connected. It also helps to understand the skill and knowledge.

4. You are the Role Model

When a mother is a teacher, then it is imperative for her to set an example before her child. Remember, whatever the child observes, and learns through a mother in the young age, would show in them as they grow. Hence, watch all your actions and talks. Let it be refined and be respectful.

5. Spend time and share

For a working woman, it is difficult to divide her time. Have a schedule and be available to spend time with the child. Sit with them, play and talk. Though it is a less time spent, it becomes a routine and helps them to cope up. Needles to say, mothers at home have all the time, so use it.

6. Avoid what you have to avoid

Living habits varies from home to home. Avoid children being exposed to certain practices and behaviors at home that you think is not right. Keep them away and never give opportunity for them to know and ask questions later.

7. Help and guide your child

Be a positive mother, and guide your child when required. If the child encounters a problem, help them to understand what caused the problem and how to avoid it in the future. Provide alternate solutions and help them get away. Interfere when required and coach.

8. Maintain discipline at home

Rules made by mothers at home must strictly followed by their children. Get them adapt to it, and make it easier to follow. Announce disciplinary if failed to follow, and let them know that your words cannot be taken for granted.

9. Motivate and Appreciate

Inspire and motivate your child in all the best ways possible. If you find them good at something, appreciate. Work with them to enhance their skills and educate to excel.

10. Life style and Family value

Building a home is like building an empire. Traditional values and living style goes to children through their parents. Mother plays an important role in educating their children in understanding their life style and values of their families that help them to cope with the world.
Attention and care to a child is the vital part in up-bringing. Good mothers succeed by devoting time, show love, affection and meet all needs of a child. Parenting is a cyclic process and, some or several traits would influence through generations. However, an individual's experience, age, background and education contributes to being a good mother.

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